Welcome to the Finance Marketing Hacks

Hi, I'm Caroline!

I’m an email marketing consultant & email course ghostwriter for financial service providers.

After creating content in the finance space for 3 years, I noticed that most fintech companies really struggle to generate leads online.

Especially service providers like wealth managers and financial advisors still heavily rely on offline-strategies that make it impossible to scale their business.

But many other companies in the finance space also fail to build that amount of trust their target audience needs to become a client or user as well.

That's why I spend 20+ hours per week putting the Finance Marketing Hacks together to help you get more clients online.

Every week you'll get proven marketing strategies and case studies of what successful brands and entrepreneurs in the finance space are doing to get more leads and convert them.

And if you’re really serious about growing your investing or wealth management business, send me a message on Linkedin.

Happy to recommend an educational email course that would work best for your platform.