How to get 26,687 website visits per month

Digital marketing funnel strategy for financial services

Digital marketing strategies can be complex and difficult to picture.

That’s why we’re looking at a proven digital marketing funnel strategy for financial services today.

But to make it more comprehensive, we’re visualizing a proven funnel used by financial marketing consultancy 11:FS. They help businesses in the fintech and banking scene build and grow online.

So, if you’re offering financial services like wealth management, bookkeeping or tax advice, you can implement this funnel for yourself to get more clients online.

11:FS Marketing Funnel Overview

Here’s what the funnel looks like (btw if you want to get a better look at it, watch this video where I walk you through the whole strategy step by step).

Their funnel is built out of several social media & content actions and ads that are all leading traffic to their podcast and website. This allows them to get thousands of website visits from their target audience every month.

Looking at traffic data, it seems like their effort is starting to really pay off. While they’ve only gotten about 10k page visits in December 2023, they’ve received over 26k in February 2024.

That’s more than 100% increase.

From what I could tell, their main content focus is their podcast.

They’ll then repurpose the audio and sometimes videos from the interviews on other platforms. They also repurpose these in text or image form to drive traffic back to the podcast or their website.

As a whole, their marketing strategy is focused on education. They’re never selling in any of their content.

Instead, they simply aim to become the go-to source for what’s going on in fintech. And a small percentage of their audience will want to build in fintech and will then naturally think of them first.

So, let’s look at the different components of the funnel.

1. Podcast

Their Fintech Insider Podcast seems to be their main driver for traffic and clients.

They started it in 2016 and are publishing 2 episodes every week, so they’re now at around episode 840.

That’s a loooot of content and their consistency paid off as this is one of the top keywords that drives traffic to their website. And with 25k subscribers, they’ve built a substantial audience there.

Each week they’re interviewing guests like key decision-makers, VCs, and reporters from across financial services. This makes the podcast one of the best sources for fintech news and trends.

Now, the podcast would be a good place to send people to a lead capture mechanism. 11:FS doesn’t do that and instead sends people to their Twitter account.

I’m not sure if this is intentional or has just been like this since the beginning, and they’ve never changed it. But for your own business, I would highly recommend funneling people through a lead capture mechanism. We’ll get to that in a minute.

2. Youtube/Video

They’re doing a great job at repurposing content. Instead of just publishing the podcast, they also publish the audio as a “video” on Youtube.

It’s actually just a static image of the podcast guests with the audio. But this allows them to reach a bigger audience because some people just prefer Youtube over Spotify.

Their channel is now at 21k subscribers. Most of that growth came from earlier interviews about trending topics like blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

But that gave them that foundation that allows them to now upload content with little extra effort and without SEO-optimizing it, and still get a couple hundred views on every video.

If you’re just starting a Youtube channel, I’d highly recommend only creating videos with keywords in mind. And then you could also video record your podcast interview to make it more engaging.

They’re also publishing little teasers and tidbits as shorts on Youtube and TikTok.

3. LinkedIn/Twitter/Instagram

On all of these 3 platforms they’re regularly posting little video teasers and text + image content to drive people to their podcast.

Here are the follower numbers:

  • LinkedIn: 52,000

  • Twitter: 19,900

  • Instagram: 3,500

LinkedIn is definitely where their audience is. I’m not sure why they’re leading people to Twitter from the podcast.

But LinkedIn is also the platform where you’d face the least competition. Plus, it’s probably where you’d find your ideal affluent business owner or executive.

So, let’s take a quick look at what they’re doing there.

They’re posting at least once per day and alternate between short videos and image posts.

Naturally, videos perform best. And a strategy that seems to work particularly well for them is tagging other people, like people who participated in an event or companies they talk about in the episode.

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4. Google Ads

Google Ads definitely isn’t one of the traffic sources they’re focusing on. Maybe it’s just something they’re testing.

But they currently have 2 ads running.

Bonus: Newsletter

This doesn’t seem to be part of 11:FS’s core online marketing strategy. But I would highly recommend implementing that as well if you want to capture leads from your traffic.

While they have a newsletter, the signup form is hidden in the footer, and they don’t send any of their social traffic there.

Since you don’t own any of the audience on social media, you risk losing them if you do not collect emails.

Plus, people need an average of 7 touchpoints before they’re ready to buy or book a call. If you have their email address, you can consistently stay top of mind.

So, instead of sending people to Twitter from their podcast, they could send them to a valuable free download, such as a report or ebook. Or they could simply do a “themed” weekly newsletter where people get valuable information each week.

For instance, this could be a summary of the latest news that you can read in 5 minutes and be up-to-date. This is great if you don’t have time to listen to 50 minutes of podcasts twice per week.

How to implement this for your business

If you want to build your own marketing funnel similar to 11:FS, here are a few actionable ideas.

Don’t worry, you don’t need a huge team or marketing budget to get started. You simply need a good process and tools in place to make it work.

  1. Choose 1 core medium: 11:FS’s core medium is their podcast. If you’re just starting out, I’d recommend focusing on Youtube keywords first because this is easier to rank than on Google or other platforms.

  2. Repurpose content at least twice: You don’t need to be on all platforms. Just determine 2 other ways you want to use that content for. For instance: post text and image snippets on Linkedin and publish the text as blog posts.

  3. Send traffic to a lead capture mechanism: Either create a pdf as a lead magnet or create a valuable themed newsletter where people know exactly what they get each week. For instance, the Finleadz newsletter gives you 1 new proven finance online marketing strategy each week.

Alright, so now you know what a successful digital marketing funnel looks like in the finance space.

If you want to build something similar for your own business but don’t really know how to start with any of these content types, then you’re in luck.

Because we’ll cover all of these content types, platforms, and strategies in detail in future episodes.

So, make sure you’re subscribed and move this email to your primary tab in your inbox so you don’t miss them.

In the meantime, here are some other articles you might find interesting:

Talk soon,
