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  • 6 Strategies To Convert More Leads Into Clients For Your Fintech Company

6 Strategies To Convert More Leads Into Clients For Your Fintech Company

Hello and welcome to Finance Marketing Hacks.

Now that you know how to get traffic to your fintech website and how to warm up your audience through email marketing, let’s look at some bottom-of-the-funnel strategies.

If you’ve implemented the last 6 strategies (or at least part of them), you’ve already built the email marketing base. Now it’s time to convert that warmed-up audience.

Oh, and if you don’t know what I’m talking about, go check out the other strategies first:

Let’s dive in.

1. Create an email automation with lots of free value

Email automation is a great tool to save you lots of time.

But it’s actually also great to build trust with your audience. Because you just have to take the time to create something really valuable once. And then all of your ideal clients can profit from it.

Now, by “valuable”, I mean information that the reader can immediately use and might even pay for.

My favorite example for this are (shameless plug):

Example: Educational Email Courses

I mentioned that as an email marketing strategy in my last newsletter. This is what my agency offers for fintech businesses, so I’ll show you my own example course.

Instead of including a simple sign-up form on your website, you send people to a separate landing page where they can sign up for the course.

But here’s where the magic happens:

You then send out the course completely automated. And since a “course” is something people normally pay for, and you’re actually teaching some really valuable things inside, you build trust instantly.

Here’s a section of the first email of my example course:

2. Increase your email open rate with good subject lines

In order to build trust through emails, you need one thing above all:

people reading it.

And how can you achieve that?

With good subject lines.

Well, you also need a list of people to send it to, but that was already covered in the last 2 newsletters, so I’m assuming you already got that.

But subject lines are pretty much the only reason people decide to open and read an email. So, you want to make the great.

Example: Compounding Quality

Compounding Quality is a daily investing newsletter, and they’re doing a great job with their subject lines.

Let’s look at one in particular:

Here’s why it’s great:

  • Sparks curiosity: To what position is he adding and how much? Now I have to open it to get the answers

  • Short and simple: No jargon, easy to understand, and the whole subject line will also be visible on mobile

  • Preview (grey) text adds extra layer of curiosity: Only for subscribers? Then it must be extra valuable

3. Include CTAs where it makes sense

Unfortunately, most businesses in finance - and I’m particularly talking to you, financial advisors and wealth managers - still use their newsletters to sell.

This means the only things they’ll write about are company news, new offers, or a reminder to book a call.

That’s NOT how you build trust with your audience.

On the contrary, you probably put them off.

However, you still want to include CTAs (call-to-action) to offer additional help. But only include them after sharing valuable tips and strategies and where a CTA matches the topic.

In short: make it look natural.

Example: Unrivaled Wealth Management

Matthew Garasic of Unrivaled Wealth Management sends a regular newsletter where he educates his target audience on investing topics.

After delivering lots of free advice, he then adds a CTA in the end.

Here’s why it’s great:

  • He teaches you how to do it yourself first. But if you want some assistance and save money and time, he’s here to help

  • His services are presented as the logical next step, not “forced” upon you without context

  • He makes it sound “non-threatening” and addresses a fear many people have, aka “akward sales pitch”

If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any fintech online marketing strategies.

4. Segment your audience according to their interests

The next strategy that will help you build trust with your audience and convert them into clients is sending them tailored content.

To achieve that, you can segment your audience according to their interest.

For instance, you might be offering advice on investing, but also on budgeting and tax savings. So, you could create different lead magnets for each topic and then send them tailored emails depending on the topic they signed up for.

Example: Coastal Wealth Management

Coastal Wealth Management offers a bunch of different calculators. I’m not sure if they are segmenting their audience to send them tailored content.

But it would be a great way to do it.

Here’s how you can do it:

  • Offer different lead magnets for different services. This only makes sense if you actually have different offers

  • Offer different lead magnets for different pain points/fears. For instance, if you offer ETF investing, pain points could be: how to maximize gains, how to avoid capital loss, investing is too complicated

  • Use an email marketing software like Convertkit to segment your audience. Tag them depending on what they signed up for, and send emails that match this interest.

5. Implement referral programs to encourage your customers to spread the word

The next strategy is less about warming up your audience, but about letting your customers help you get more customers.

What’s great about referrals is that these leads are already warmed up due to the mutual connection. So, converting them into clients is much easier.

To encourage your customers or clients to spread the word, put a referral program with incentives in place.

Example: Coinbase

Coinbase is a cryptocurrency broker which has grown rapidly over the last couple of years. One reason for their explosive growth is their referral or affiliate program.

If you refer a new user, you get 50% of their trading fees for 3 months

This is relatively easy to implement with tools like Referral Factory.

Giving away a portion of the return is well worth it if you consider that these new clients could then refer even more people.

6. Clean your list every couple of months

This last strategy might sound counterintuitive, but it’s a great addition to tip #2.

Cleaning your email list, meaning you delete subscribers who have been inactive, can help you keep high open rates. That will signal to email providers like Google that your emails are valuable and should therefore land in the primary inbox.

Not in spam or the promotions tab.

Unfortunately, I don’t have any example here, as fintech companies usually don’t share this publicly.

But, here’s a great strategy for you.

Before you delete people who haven’t read any of your emails, try a re-engagement campaign:

  1. Pinpoint your inactivity triggers: Based on your customer journey, define the specific actions (or lack thereof) that signal the need for re-engagement (e.g. not opening any emails for 3 months)

  2. Map out your campaign: Design a series of emails that increase in urgency or offer escalating incentives if that aligns with your brand

  3. Measure and refine: Track open rates, click-through rates, and most importantly, conversions generated from your re-engagement campaigns.

Best Tools for List Cleaning

  • Key Features:

    • Detects invalid emails, spam traps, addresses that frequently mark emails as spam, disposable/temporary emails.

    • Provides detailed data for improving email deliverability.

    • Integrates with many email service providers (ESPs).

  • Pricing: Offers a free plan (100 validations/month), pay-as-you-go, and subscription plans.

  • Best For: Businesses looking for accurate email validation and detailed insights to boost email hygiene.

  • Key Features:

    • Extensive email verification covering syntax errors, disposable emails, spam traps, and more.

    • Real-time API for email validation at signup forms.

    • Deliverability tools and consulting available.

  • Pricing: Offers pay-as-you-go or various recurring plans.

  • Best For: Businesses needing a comprehensive suite of services with both list cleaning and enhanced deliverability tools.

  • Key Features:

    • Fast bulk email list cleaning.

    • Real-time email verification for preventing bad addresses at signup.

    • Easy to use with many ESP integrations.

  • Pricing Flexible options including pay-as-you-go and monthly plans.

  • Best For: Businesses needing quick validation of large email lists, as well as reliable real-time verification.

Alright, these are the 6 strategies successful fintech companies use to convert more leads into clients.

We’ll dive deep into each strategy over the next couple of weeks.

So, make sure you’re subscribed and move this email to your primary tab in your inbox so you don’t miss them.

Talk soon,
