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  • 6 Strategies To Get More Traffic To Your Fintech Website

6 Strategies To Get More Traffic To Your Fintech Website

Hello and welcome to the first edition of Finance Marketing Hacks.

Today we’ll look at one of the most important aspects of growing your fintech business, and that is how to get more traffic to your website.

We’ll look at 6 proven strategies that successful businesses in the finance space are using today to generate thousands of website visits every month.

Getting traffic to your website is the top part of your funnel.

But traffic alone doesn’t get you more clients.

So, next week and the week after that, we’ll look at strategies for the middle and the bottom of the funnel.

So, make sure you’re subscribed so you can apply these tactics straight away.

Alright, let’s dive in.

1. SEO

Probably one of the best-known ways to get more traffic to your website is using SEO.

Unfortunately, very few fintech businesses are actually using this right.

If you publish a blog and randomly write about finance or investing, you’ll see very little traffic from that.

So, let’s look at a fintech company that uses SEO well.

Example: NerdWallet

NerdWallet is a finance publication that publishes financial guides and comparisons. They basically built their whole business with SEO tactics.

How they use SEO:

  • They are writing articles about specific search queries

  • They answer complex financial questions in an easy-to-understand manner (e.g., "Best Credit Cards for Bad Credit")

  • They provide data-driven recommendations to help people make informed choices

2. Twitter

The next strategy that works well to get more of your target audience to your website is using Twitter.

This platform works particularly well for financial topics as people are talking about more “serious” topics, compared to Instagram and TikTok, for instance.

Both personal and company pages can work well if the content you publish is valuable.

If you’ve never posted on Twitter before, make sure to find a few role models to get some inspiration about the style and type of tweets that work in your niche.

Search hashtags like #fintech or #personalfinance to find other profiles.

Here’s one great example:

Example: BiggerPockets

BiggerPockets is a real-estate investing platform, and their company profile has 80k followers.

How they use Twitter:

  • Run frequent polls/questions on topics their target audience cares about (e.g., "Are you planning a real estate investment in 2024?", “Where are Rent Prices Falling the Most?”)

  • Use questions to spark discussion and debate in the replies

  • Tie the results back to how their platform can address the needs revealed in the polls

  • Don’t sell on Twitter, but they have a strong description, and their link in bio

3. LinkedIn

Similar to Twitter, LinkedIn is another great place to promote your financial services. It works particularly well if your services are B2B or if you work with entrepreneurs or C-level executives.

Because that’s where they hang out and expect content about topics like career, business, money and investing.

Compared to Twitter, it works better to publish content on your personal than your business profile. Your business profile can repost them afterwards.

Let’s look at someone who’s nailed Linkedin:

Example: Simon Taylor

Simon’s the co-founder of 11:FS, which is a fintech consultancy. Additionally, he’s also the head of strategy & content at Sardine, which is a fraud prevention platform.

Both his personal and 11:FS’s profile have 51k followers. But his personal profile gets much more engagement. That’s because people generally want to connect with people, especially on LinkedIn.

How he uses LinkedIn:

  • Posting his own opinions on news and trends in the fintech space

  • Sharing memes and easy-to-understand graphics

  • Posting very regularly, almost daily

  • Posts are either short or create curiosity, so you want to click “read more”

This is one of his recent posts:

If you haven’t already, make sure to subscribe so you don’t miss any fintech online marketing strategies.

4. Youtube

Written content is great to get more people to your website. But if you want to increase your trust level with your target audience straight away, video works even better.

The way to use Youtube for your fintech business is to create videos with SEO in mind. Similar to blog posts, you want to create videos to solve one specific question or problem for your audience.

Tutorials are great, for instance.

Example: Wise (formerly TransferWise)

Wise is a banking app for low-fee international transfers. Their Youtube channel has 47k subscribers.

How they use Youtube:

  • Break down the complexities of international money transfers in a friendly, relatable way

  • Feature clear, concise CTAs, often directing viewers to their website for more information and calculators

  • Step-by-step tutorials explaining how to use their website and app

5. Facebook/IG Ads

So far, we’ve only talked about organic traffic strategies.

But if you want to get traffic fast, your best option is ads. While you could also post ads on Twitter and Linkedin, their ad targeting isn’t the best, and Linkedin is very expensive.

So, most successful fintech businesses use Facebook or Instagram ads. This is particularly great if you have a B2C product that can be used by a wide variety of people who aren’t very finance-savvy.

Example: Revolut

Revolut is another challenger bank with multi-currency accounts and a focus on travel, similar to Wise.

How they use Facebook ads:

  • Campaign: Targeted ads to people interested in travel, budgeting, and saving money

  • Audiences: They leveraged lookalike audiences (finding people similar to existing customers) to broaden their reach effectively

  • Creative: bright images that stand out and short videos

6. Google Ads

The other way to get traffic fast is Google Ads.

While SEO is the best way to grow consistently and sustainably, SEO, takes time. Ads allow you to show up at the top for a search query right away.

(Quick trick to find Google ads: click on the three dots and then on “see more ads this advertiser has shown”)

Example: Etoro

Etoro is a Broker and investing platform that has become one of the leading investment apps, in part due to its strong Google Ads presence.

How they use Google ads:

  • Targeting keywords like "best portfolio management" and "how to start investing"

  • Targeting keywords with their name in it (only works once you have a well-established brand)

  • Also using lots of video ads on Youtube

Alright, these are 6 strategies successful fintech companies use to get more traffic to their websites.

If you feel a bit overwhelmed now, don’t worry. We’ll dive deep into each strategy over the next couple of weeks.

So, make sure you’re subscribed and move this email to your primary tab in your inbox so you don’t miss them.

If you’re ready for the next 2 parts of the funnel, keep reading here: